DOWNLOADED PICTURE  - all the other pictures were clicked by me 

View of the Chicham bridge

When it comes to  space, stars and heavenly bodies  every one of us is a  kid . To see, To spot  and To explore the space  I am no different from anyone ; For me,going after the celestial bodies  had become a habit over time  .

My yearning  to see The Milky way Galaxy  is not an overnight affair or a momentary craving ! . For me it grew up  day by day from my childhood days and  my interest level has aggravated to desperateness after failing with all  my desperate attempts  to see it in naked eye  on a dark sky.

I have watched various cosmic  shows in  planetariums in many locations and occasionally slept also  while watching; This search has forced me to try to spot The Milky way  in the open areas ,  farm fields and mountains , in the middle of the sea  and , in the middle of the dessert. ... . It was my bad luck   in the  dessert of UAE, that  I happened to be  there on an  off season for spotting  The Glaxy, added to that the light pollution was too much and the lights in Dubai were so powerful that it gets refracted in the whole desert and thus distracting whatever was  meagrely possible  . I tried it in the seas of Andaman aboard a moving ship, I spotted it , but it was not fulfilling , because of the thick  cloud migration  and the intensity of  moon light  .

And this everlasting 'chase and miss' continued for a long time .  But where ever and whenever I go , I created  a chance to see it ..........and the day came when I did see,  as the saying goes ....”.Pursuance pays”, and so it did .

 On a trip to Spiti valley , in Himachal Pradesh , we were on a mission at 13400  ft on the Himalayas at sub zero temperature to spot   “ The snow Leopard ” along with some professional photographers  .We were staying  at a guest in a house , in a small hamlet  with   only a maximum of 11 to 12 families living there and it was a 4 bedroom village  house with a terrace overlooking the Chicham bridge at a distance of say 4 or 5 kms .Its is a kind of luxury for that location .  

On day  four ,  on that cold night at around 8 P.M we were having the dinner time  conversation with our host – a villager, surprisingly a good english speaking lady for that location.  She  was making  phulka for us in a tantoor or what they call it as bhukhari or ECO rocket stove and we were sitting around her around the stove. While she was telling about  her village stories and high altitude happenings , she was mentioning about ‘The  Milky way Galaxy and said we can see it after the mid night. . Well! That struck my curiosity chord , and I decided to take a chance . After the dinner I checked up with my mates ,and they also promised me to  join me  to spot this cosmic wonder  .

It was about 9 P.M everyone went to bed and the plan was we will wake up by  say midnight   12  and go out . Mind it ,it was – 12 degree C only ! and it was expected to  drop further as the night grows , the manual heater(bhukari)  was burning to  keep  us warm in our bed room , I was in my bed fully covered and packed in layers . From my bed  I could  see the sky , I could see a clear sky  with more of stars than gaps . It was like seeing  a big city far away  from an aeroplane . I was tracking the prominent bright stars and keeping a periodic check on the displacement and movement of the stars , which was  quiet an experience to watch the happenings in that dark  sky . 

 I spent two hours in the bed without sleeping, idling and  watching the sky thru the window ....  then I saw something strange in the pattern of the stars ....a sudden change in the fabric of the sky ....came  a tip of a river like cloud with a bright background , I cant call it a cloud , but its a thick dark layer of  something in different background colours , ...... very strange thing on a clear sky , I woke up my  fellow mates in deep sleep who promised me to accompany outside , nobody responded .

Making up my mind to do it alone ..I jumped  out of my bed  wearing  layers of thick jackets,  came out to the low walled terrace .  I was all alone at 1 a.m  in the morning  on that cold place, fully covered with snow .... with that  clear sky, and with stars that closer , I felt as  I was in space , among the stars. I could see the stars   13400 ft closer than the  sea level ,  a kind of  Zoomed in view  .

 So close and unobstructed ,the background of a Moonless clear dark sky offered a unique picture of a grandpa’s umbrella with infinite pin holes on it  ...... the stars were brighter than usual , it had an extra shining and glitter . Then there was a band of cloud like scatterings with strong silvery white luminance flashed from the rear ;

 The Milky way  is a  river shaped distracted lengthy cloud  along with other constellations of stars, and celestial bodies .  The cloud  gave an effect of a light passing thru a goat skin . The cloud of stars was on a trip in the clear sky like a king’s procession with its phalanx of armed forces moving slowly .The spilled over star dusts around the galaxy, emitted a different  spectrum of colours , mauve, fluorescent yellow , silvery grey.......those colours are possible only on surreal deflection ,the impression was of a  moving  screen saver .,

As a bonus , a meteorite fall for me at a distant sky into  the ocean of stars , an experience equivalent to a scifi movie on an   iMax screen.  Surprisingly  I haven’t spotted  any of those  distantly flickering  aeroplane  which normally come to our direct contact .    

I could sense the  cosmic light on the snow covered mountains  giving a feeling as if I am on an  ocean floor  and I am seeing  thru the water . I stood there basking in the cosmic radiance for a good half an hour, enjoying that expansive silence broken occasionally by the distant  barking of a dog or a red fox; Unable to stand for a long time in  the  cold , and when the parade of luminescence was crossing over my  head I scampered inside my room .

In a futile effort , I tried clicking some pictures , it was not clear. But the image , the moment ,- ‘this day, this time- at this  odd hours of that  cold morning on that high altitude in that remote village ,and  “my date with The  Milky way galaxy “ all alone’  is registered indelibly in my mind and will be there forever .

 -Recorded on the 16th of March 2020 , at Spiti Valley - by Rajesh babu   



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