Travel Diary -Observation and Remarks - North Button island - Andaman and Nocobar





"the whole land mass  shrinks to sheer sand bars , And 

some times into some clearing of sand dunes or  

the radius of the Land  is so reduced ,and leave it to see a lone  palm  tree or equivalent  on it  showcasing a  pictursque poster , And 

thats the magic a high tide can do to these islets  : 

The water is crystal clear and still....... like my afternoon club swimming pool .'With the clear  blue sky above , one  can see beneath , the fringing corals in vibrant colours, in  surreal forms - of jack fruit skins , of deer antlers, of silver plates,  of a brain , full  bottle brushes , of goat  intestines ;  

hosting schools of ornamentel fishes like in artifical aquariums  , its a different world out there , a marine forest of its own kind and with its own eco system.

- Rajesh babu ,observed on 25th November 2009 @ The  North button Island , Andhaman and Nicobar .

* and can sometimes witness  occasional fish jumps, testing its gravity.

